It is written, Part 3
We continue reflecting on Scripture (with the next seven days downloadable below):
15. When Time Crawls
How long, Lord? Will You forget me forever?
How long will You hide Your face from me?
How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart?
How long will my enemy triumph over me? (Psalm 13:1-2)
Time is more than the earth rotating on its axis. We perceive time flying or crawling based on our relationships to circumstances. Time does take its toll on us all.
When we pray, we believe that God hears us. We know that nothing is too great for the Almighty. We trust in His character that He will use all things for good. Fear has no place in our hearts when we have full confidence in the love of our Heavenly Father.
Yet how long will He wait to act? We sing with empty hands and loud voices, ”How long?” Waiting feels too close to wasting.
We don’t have to know the plans of our Almighty God. We don’t need to understand His cosmic plans for all time and all people. He weaves a beautiful tapestry of life and love throughout the history of creation by working in and through the hearts of His people. How could we, who are so finite, grasp our parts in His beautiful story? How can we know our segments as they fit into the weaving of His majestic work? We place our minds on hold to keep from pondering things too difficult for us to understand.
Yet our hearts ache: How long will we have to wait? When will we glimpse God’s plan for all this pain? When will the tears be wiped away from our cheeks? When will Justice finally roll like thunder through these valleys?
We can only see the now, but we know the why is in God’s hands. And we know He is good. His steadfast love lasts forever. He keeps His promises.
Time is in His hands. You are in hands hands. You will experience His love in time.
Jesus, give us the strength for today and a strong faith in Your tomorrow.
Click the link to download the third set of seven day reflections: