Fear Not


Isaiah 41:10

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

In 2015, God’s sovereign right hand steadied me to watch my 9-year-old son have brain surgery. In 2020, it steadies me now, as our world faces global pain and anguish.

June 2020

Plans, interrupted

The summer of 2020 has been on the calendar to complete my memoir about Josiah’s Journey. I have been planning and praying over this season of writing for months. I remain focused on this mission God has called me to complete.

However, like everyone across the globe, I am acutely aware of this painful season our world is living in. Fear not.

We have much to fear

A global pandemic is upon us. Those in authority, who are supposed to lead and protect us, are working amidst upheaval and unrest. Our children’s education has been abruptly turned upside down. Our nation’s economy is in the worst shape it’s been in my lifetime. Fear not.

We have broken systems. Our health is and has always been in the hands of a God who loves and protects us. Death would come quickly to all if our enemy would have its way with His creation, especially us image bearers. But it feels death is ever so closer in these days. Fear not.

All my life I have heard that the American educational system was sick and not performing. We have come to accept that what the system has given is the best it can give our children. When school starts again in the Fall, it will be like never before. Fear not.

God is still in charge

Light has come, darkness is being revealed, and God is still in charge. People in authority have not been leading or protecting us for a while. How are you feeling about the future?

Am I trusting in the economy or stock market to bring comfort about my long term prospects? Or, am I trusting God today and for tomorrow? Am I trusting the educational system to provide a springboard for my children’s life into adulthood or am I trusting God to mold them into people who can thrive in the chaos of tomorrow? Am I trusting in God for my health and the health of my love ones or am I holding my breath until a vaccine can save us?

Fear not.

Knowing that God was not only aware of my son’s cancer five years ago, but holding him fast in His sovereign grip eased my mind and comforted my soul. Josiah was where He needed to be. The right hand of God steadied me then, and it steadies me now.

Fear not. Praise be to God. Hold on.

Read the Word and Listen

Trust in the One who loves us more than we know what love is.

Run to the word of God in our troubles.

Seek to know Him. Seek to hear what He has to say to you.

Know that the Spirit of God will meet you and lead you.

Our God is a Comforter.

He speaks words that will lead us to still waters and bring us rest.